  • Brand: Rooibos Tea by Skyline Boulevard Co.
  • Strength: 30 mg THC
  • Consumed: 30 mg THC
  • Taste: Rooibos tea has an earthy, slightly sweet/fruity flavor. This tea has a hint of cannabis flavor.
  • Packaging: Skyline Boulevard Co. packages their tea in easy to use tea bags.
  • Overall: Rooibos comes from a shrub grown only in South Africa. The USDA has confirmed numerous health benefits of drinking rooibos tea including it’s ability to reduce the risk of various cancers and heart disease. It is also good for decreasing inflammation while also helping the digestion system. This Rooibos cannabis tea provides a mellow and relaxed high since it is decaffeinated. Directions say to add milk, cream, or honey to increase potency. We suggest using Happy Seed Edibles Honey if you want to really increase the strength. This tea is priced extremely well at $5 a teabag . Drinking tea is great for those who want quick results. Liquid edibles go straight into your bloodstream and take effect within 15-30 minutes whereas solids take 1-2 hours. Liquid edibles may also feel stronger than solids, so keep that in mind when drinking this tea.

Skyline Boulevard Co. makes a variety of teas and coffees and we highly suggest you try them all!


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